Palm Tree Maintenance
Given the sub-tropical climate of Brisbane and south-east Queensland its no surprise that there are a huge amount of Palm trees growing throughout the suburbs and these are often found in gardens and around swimming pools to create that tropical feel to the environment.
The solution for your
Problem palm tree
Just like any other trees Palm trees need to be maintained in order to look their best. Some Palm trees are relatively easy to maintain and require little intervention, but others can be problematic and need a lot of regular maintenance to keep under control.
The worst of these offenders are the Syagrus romanzoffiana: Cocos or Queen Palm and its no surprise that we work on this type of Palm tree more than any other. So, what’s so bad about this species of Palm tree and why do they require such intensive management to control?
problem solved =
Peace of mind
Firstly, lets point out that this species of Palm tree is an environmental weed which is so prolific it has become widely naturalised throughout much of eastern Australia, particularly in sub-tropical environments such as south-east Queensland.
The trees often look unsightly and messy due to the retention of dead and hanging fronds which is never a good look, but the biggest problem is the sheer volume and quantity of seeds produced by the species. This prolific food source often attracts fruit bats and other animals which eat the fruits and spread the seeds.
Professional Arborists like Glenn and the team at Brisbane Tree Experts can implement pruning strategies to tidy the trees and remove flower panicles, fruits and seeds and this can be helpful when retaining the trees, but be warned, this is only a temporary solution and regular pruning will need to be implemented every 12 to 18 months to keep the trees under control!
Problem solved
If you suspect you may be the lucky owner of a Cocos Palm, give the Brisbane Tree Experts team a call to arrange an obligation free quotation where we can assess your Palm trees and provide the best advice on how to manage them.
But its not all about Cocos Palms, there are a wide variety of other Palm trees available that may be suitable for your landscape. The most common varieties, other than the Cocos Palm, that we encounter at Brisbane Tree Experts are:
- Dypsis lutescens: Golden Cane Palm
- Dypsis decaryi: Triangle Palm
- Archontophoenix alexandrae: Alexander Palm
- Roystonia regia: Cuban Royal Palm
- Wodyetia bifurcata: Foxtail Palm
- Washingtonia robusta: Cotton Palm
- Phoenix canariensis: Date Palm
- Bismarckia nobilis: Silver Bismarck Palm
And that’s just the common ones! All have specific maintenance requirements that are often dictated by the environments in which they are growing, and there are some interesting modern arboricultural techniques such as the strapping of Cuban Royal Palms that can help to reduce risks and retain large trees in built and high use environments.
Our knowledge and experience of maintaining these types of trees throughout Brisbane and across multiple different growing environments makes us the ideal choice to discuss management options that may be suitable for your Palm trees, so don’t delay, give Glenn and the team a call today.